45th Reunion Class Photo on Libe Slope

We gathered in Ithaca in 2007 to meet a new Cornell president and to see old friends. We also found the usual level of campus construction. Here are some images from that reunion.

45th Reunion Buffet Dinner

Duffield Hall was the site of our arrival buffet dinner on Thursday.

President and Mrs. Skorton Alex Vollmer and Ruth with Pete Bleyler

President David Skorton and spouse Prof. Robin Davisson joined us Thursday evening. They are shown here with Alex Vollmer and Ruth and Pete Bleyler.

45th Reunion Class Headquarters

The class headquarters in the North Campus townhouses was rarely quiet. Here’s how it appeared late Thursday evening.

Alex Introduces LaFeber

One major reunion highpoint was Friday morning’s talk by Prof. Emeritus Walter LaFeber, history, who arrived at Cornell around the same time we did. Alex Vollmer introduced him, and he treated us to a nuanced view of how Cornell and the world have evolved since then.

Prof Emeritus Walter LaFeber lecture

No notes required by the insightful professor.

LaFeber addresses class

Professor LaFeber spoke in Baker 200, where many of us heard Sienko and Plane lecture in freshman chemistry.

Triphammer Bridge construction

Has there ever been when all major Cornell roads and bridges have been operating concurrently? The major construction outage during our 2007 reunion was the Triphammer Bridge over Fall Creek.

Class of 62 Photography Exhibit at Johnson Museum

Before lunch Saturday, we visited the Johnson Museum, where the exhibits included pieces from the Japanese lacquer collection of classmate Helen Rabinowitz Anbinder and spouse Paul ’60 and images from the Class of 1962 Photography Collection

45th Reunion Saturday Dinner

On Saturday night, we gathered for dinner at Bethe House, part of the new West Campus residential complex, consisting of five houses accommodating a total of about 1,700 upperclass undergrads. They replace the University Halls complex, of which the men among us were early occupants.