50th Reunion Group Photo

To the great Class of ’62,

The summer is almost over and with it the amazing celebration of our 50th reunion! We reconnected with old friends and met new friends who reminded us of how special the Cornell connection is. The weather was the best Ithaca has to offer. 483 classmates, spouses and guests “caught the spirit” and came to campus from all over the USA. Several classmates attended reunion for the first time! For those of you who could not make it this time, here’s a sampling of what you missed to try to convince you to join us for the next one—our 55th. For those of you who were there, here’s another chance to reminisce and enjoy the weekend again.

Reunion Panel

On Thursday our reunion team worked miracles with getting everyone unloaded and parked. We rode buses to Call Auditorium for the special video documentary prepared by Phil and Maddy Handler, “Remembering Our Days on the Hill.” Harry Edwards led a spirited discussion that focused on how our class was on the cusp of change that included diversity, civil rites, women’s issues, voting rights, and authority. Since our numbers were approaching 500, our dinner venue had to be changed to Robert Purcell Community Center, where we were taken on a virtual trip to Spain with tapas and sangria as special treats.

We all awoke Friday to a beautiful June day in Ithaca and headed out for one of our ’62 reunion highlights, our Class Symposium featuring Jane Brody and Professors Brian Wansink and Karl Pillemer. The presentations were spirited and flawless and we all are looking forward to meeting at 100 (years, that is)! The title was “Shall we Meet Again at 100? Suggestions for a Long Life.” Friday lunch was on our own. Many attendees spent time during the day walking around the campus, visiting Plantations, shopping at the Campus Store, attending other special lectures and just enjoying being at one of the world’s great universities.

Fri-night_classLater in the day many classmates gathered back at ’62 headquarters to catch up with old and new friends and to remark how little any of us had changed! We had time to relax before heading out for our Gala Dinner in Newman Arena.

Reunion CheckPresident Skorton and his wife Robin Davisson joined us for dinner and a check was presented to him by our campaign leaders Myra Hart and Fred Hart for $18.5M (now stands at $19,295, 993!).

Dinner(Fri)SkortonPresident Skorton thanked our class for the spectacular gift and for our support over 50 years.

Crites_VollmerFollowing the Presidents brief remarks, class president Alex Vollmer honored Jan Crites for her 50 years as class correspondent, Judy Rich for editing the spectacular class yearbook, and Ruth Bleyler for planning the last three reunions.

Reunion DancingAfter enjoying the delicious dinner, we “rock and rolled” to the music of the Backtalk Band brought back by popular demand from our 40th. The dance floor was filled with ‘62s dancing to the familiar tunes of our time.

As if Friday wasn’t fulfilling enough, Saturday was the marathon of the weekend! Some of us began with the annual Reunion Run followed by college breakfasts, while others breakfasted under our tent. Many heard President Skorton’s State of the University address in Bailey Hall and all felt that the University has never been in better shape or in better hands. Our planned picnic at the Plantations was moved to Ramin Hall because of lightning threats. Although we were disappointed, all went well. Don Rakow, Director of the Plantations updated everyone on all the happenings there and Cayuga’s Waiters entertained us with their special harmony. Some of us then travelled to the Johnson Museum for the special photography exhibit tour that featured our class donations as well as the Anbinders’. Others went off to Sage Hall for the very moving Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance where class president Alex Vollmer spoke.

People scattered in different directions for the rest of the afternoon before regrouping for a reception and buffet dinner back at Newman Arena in Bartels Hall, featuring three menus from “Around the USA.” President Emeritus Hunter Rawlings and his wife Elizabeth joined us for dinner that ended with our class meeting and the election of officers for the next five years.

Cornelliana NightMany of us went up to Bailey Hall for the never to be missed Cornelliana Night featuring some of the most favorite Cornell songs, while others partied at the tents. Back at the dorm, the conversations and party continued

Sunday was a time for goodbyes and good wishes following our breakfast in Appel Commons across the commons. We all left with new memories and promises to meet again at our 55th in 2017 when we hope to see you again! In the meantime, relive parts of reunion with some great photos on this website.

Old FriendsIt was great to see so many old friends and we thank everyone who participated with the Class of 1962 this past year as reunion attendees, class dues payers, donors or all three! You can be assured your class has never been in better shape!

A special thanks to everyone who worked to make this reunion the best yet, and to all the outgoing class officers who have represented our class so effectively for the last five years.

Our very best wishes to all for a happy, healthy next five years. See you in 2017, and Keep in Touch!

Ruth Zimmerman Bleyler
Class President