June 2022

In the provided runup to our 60th reunion, many classmates have sent updates. Thank you all!! We’re looking forward to seeing many of you soon!!! And be sure that those of us in attendance will hoist one for each of you who are otherwise occupied….. Steve Schmal: “My...

March 2022

We are in the countdown to our 60th reunion, and classmates are still writing about their lives and Cornell memories. Thank you all for your vibrant, interesting, and varied contributions! Bill Brozowski writes, “Foreign travel and cruises have stopped. We visited...

February 2022

Mui Ho Members of the Ho Family – Mui Ho ’62, B.Arch. ’66; Hau Wong Ho ’55, Christine Ma Ho ’61, Jet K.S. Ho ’91 – were honored at the 2022 Pan-Asian Celebration on January 29, 2022, sponsored by the Cornell Asian Alumni Association (CAAA). The virtual event was...

December 2021

Neil Schilke writes, “The Schilkes are going to Reunion!  With cautious optimism, we have begun to travel.  We just completed a wonderful bus-tour-blitz of the National Parks in Nevada, Arizona, and Utah.  This was followed by a scenic train ride through the Rockies...

September 2021

In the transition from print to on-line communications, we have gotten behind on the classmate news that was sent to the Alumni Office.  Some of these items date back to late winter/early spring, and we are sorry for the delay.  However, we do want to be...

August 2021

Mike Duesing, who died on August 4, was a stalwart leader of the Cornell Class of 1962.  He was a class officer for 54 years, serving as class correspondent, secretary-treasurer, membership/outreach chair and whatever else it took to help the Class. More importantly,...
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