September 2021

In the transition from print to on-line communications, we have gotten behind on the classmate news that was sent to the Alumni Office.  Some of these items date back to late winter/early spring, and we are sorry for the delay.  However, we do want to be...

August 2021

Mike Duesing, who died on August 4, was a stalwart leader of the Cornell Class of 1962.  He was a class officer for 54 years, serving as class correspondent, secretary-treasurer, membership/outreach chair and whatever else it took to help the Class. More importantly,...

July 2021

Paul Marantz writes, “After Neil Krieger died of COVID-19 in April 2020, his two children, Hilary’98 and Jonathan, came up with a novel way to remember him and his playful sense of humor that had its origins in his freshman year at Cornell in 1958-59. Neil’s...

Welcome to our first virtual class column!

Whoever said, “You can’t teach old dogs new tricks” didn’t know the Cornell Class of 1962!!! Just watch us pivot!   Speaking of the specialness of our class and of our time at Cornell, the recent death of Walter LaFeber at age 87 sparked a lot of reactions...

May/June 2021

What a wonderful group of memories and updates we received in response to Neil’s email! Thank you all! Apologies to all our classmates whose items are not included in this column because of CAM’s word limit. But the good news is that the virtual class column, to which...

March/April 2021

Thanks to all of you who responded to the requests for memories of Cornell! Here are some thoughts from our classmates about their time on the Hill. Cal Simon shared an excerpt from her Cornell journal. “It is St. Patrick’s Day,1961. While that has just jolly...