Leadership through the years…

The first officers of the Class of 1962 – president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary – were elected in June, 1962 by a newly created Class of 1962 Men’s Alumni Council whose main purpose was to run a Class dues drive.

The president then appointed the Cornell Fund representative, the reunion chairman, and the class correspondent for the Alumni News. Their term of office was five years.

A subsequent ad hoc meeting with coed classmates resulted in several women being appointed to class officer positions: co-Reunion Chair and Class Correspondent for Women.

From 1967 onward, the classmates attending official class reunions elected Class Officers for five-year terms.

Class Officers in 1962

First Class Officers, Spring 1962  Kneeling (l. to r.) are C. Willis Ritter, secretary; John F. Abel, president. Standing are George G. Telesh, reunion chairman; Fred Hart, treasurer; Richard J. Levine, class correspondent for the Alumni News. Missing: David S. Kleger, vice president, and Owen J. Sloane, fund representative.


President: John Abel

Vice President: David S. Kleger

Treasurer: Fred C. Hart

Secretary: C. Willis Ritter

Class Fund Representative: Owen J. Sloan

Reunion Chair: George G. Telesh

Reunion Co-Chair: Edith McCoy Stovell

Class Correspondent(s): Jan McClayton Crites (women); Richard Levine (men)


President: Jonathan Hinebauch

Vice President: Aileen Glanternik Murstein

Treasurer: Fred C. Hart (1967-70); Michael L. Hays (1970-72)

Secretary: C. Willis Ritter

Class Fund Representative: Jane Barrows Tatibouet

Reunion Chair: Byron McCalmon

Class Correspondent(s): Jan McClayton Crites (women); J. Michael Duesing (men)


President: Marge McKee Blanchard (1972-74); Neil Schilke (1974-1977)

Vice President: Neil Schilke (1972-74); Hal D. Sieling (1974-77)

(Exec.) Secretary-Treasurer: Michael L. Hayes (1972-1974), Neil Schilke (acting, 1974-75), J. Michael Duesing (acting, 1975-77)

Reunion Co-Chairs: Aileen Glanternik Murstein (1972 -75); Nancy Williams Clark (1975-77); Frank Quirk (1975-77)

Cornell Fund Representative: Michael L. Eisgrau

Class Correspondent: Jan McClayton Crites (women); J. Michael Duesing (men)


President: Neil A. Schilke

Vice Presidents: Nancy Williams Clark; Hal D. Sieling

Secretary-Treasurer: Frank Quirk

Reunion Co-Chairs: Kelly Gould Behan; Donald F. Behan

Cornell Fund Representative: Alan M. Flaherty

Class Correspondent: Janet McClayton Crites (head); Elizabeth O’Connell Hax (occasional); Jack Loose (occasional)

Class Council:

John F. Abel

Nancy Williams Clark

Janet McClayton Crites

J. Michael Duesing

Michael I. Eisgrau

Fred C. Hart

Jonathan M. Hinebauch

David S. Kleger

Richard  J. Levine

Byron G. McCalmon

Karin Nielsen McNamara

Aileen Glanternik Murstein

Frank J. Quirk

C. Willis Ritter

Neil A. Schilke

Hal D. Sieling

Owen J. Sloane

Edith McCoy Stovel

George G. Telesh


President: Neil A.Schilke

Vice Presidents: Linda Goldberg Bandler; Nancy Williams Clark; Hal D. Sieling

Secretary: J. Michael Duesing

Yearbook Editors (1985-87): Judith Prenske Rich (Editor-in-Chief); Peter G. Slater (Class History); Elizabeth Belsky Stiel

Treasurer: Harris H. Palmer

Class Correspondent: Janet McClayton Crites

Reunion Co-Chairs: Kelly Gould Behan; Donald F. Behan

Cornell Fund Representatives: Frank  J. Quirk (Campaign Chair); George Slocum (Major Gifts Chair)

Class Council:

John F. Abel

Donald F. Behan

Kelly Gould Behan

Nancy Williams Clark

Janet McClayton Crites

J. Michael Duesing

Michael L. Eisgrau

Alan M. Flaherty

Fred C. Hart

Jonathan M. Hinebauch

David S. Kleger

Richard J. Levine

Bryon G. McCalmon

Karin Nielsen McNamara

Aileen Glanternik Murstein

Frank J. Quirk

C. Willis Ritter

Neil A. Schilke

Hal D. Sieling

Owen J. Sloane

Edith McCoy Stovel

George G. Telesh


President: Frank J. Quirk

Vice Presidents:  Nancy Williams Clark, Richard J. Levine, Nancy Schlegel Meinig, Stephen A. Ploscowe, Hal D. Sieling, George S. Slocum

Secretary:  Judith Prenske Rich 

Treasurer: Harris H. Palmer

Co-Treasurer: J. Michael Duesing

Class Correspondent: Janet McClayton Crites

Reunion Co-Chairpersons: Kelly Gould Behan, Alexander B. Vollmer

Cornell Fund Representative: Neil A. Schilke

Class Council:

  John F. Abel

  Linda Goldberg Bandler

  Kelly Gould Behan

  Donald F. Behan

  Marjorie McKee Blanchard

  Nancy Williams Clark

  Janet McClayton Crites

  J. Michael Duesing

  Michael L. Eisgrau

  Alan M. Flaherty

  Fred C. Hart

  Jonathan M. Hinebauch

  David. S. Kleger

  Richard J. Levine

  Byron G. McCalmon

  Karin Nielsen McNamara

  Aileen Glanternik Murstein

  Harris H. Palmer 

  Frank J. Quirk

  C. Willis Ritter

  Neil A. Schilke

  Hal D. Sieling

  Owen J. Sloane

  George S. Slocum

  Edith McCoy Stovel

  George G. Telesh


President: Fred C. Hart

Immediate Past President: Frank J. Quirk

Vice Presidents: Ruth Zimmerman Bleyler; D. Jeffrey Blumenthal; Nancy Williams Clark; Michael L. Eisgrau; Evelyn Eskin (Reunion Forum); Myra Maloney Hart; Jonathan M. Hinebauch; Allison Kyle Kerr; David S. Kleger; Richard J. Levine; Karin Nielsen McNamara; Nancy Schlegel Meinig; Harris H. Palmer; Judith Prenske Rich (Newsletter); Neil A. Schilke; Geroge S. Slocum; Alex B. Vollmer

Secretary: Joann Nantz Heppes

Treasurer: John L. Neuman

Membership: J. Michael Duesing

Class Correspondent: Janet McClayton Crites

Reunion Chair: Charlotte Jones Collister

Reunion Co-Chair: Judith Prenske Rich 

Cornell Fund Representative: Byron McCalmon; Stephen A. Ploscowe


President: Fred C. Hart

Vice Presidents: Nancy Williams Clark; Charlotte Jones Collister; C. Michael Duesing (Membership); Mike Eisgrau; Evelyn Eskin (Reunion Forum); Samuel Fleming; Phil Handler; Myra Maloney Hart; Jon Hinebauch; Alison Kyle Kerr; Richard Levine; Nancy Schlegel Meinig; Harris Palmer; Stephen Ploscow; Frank Quirk; Judith Prenske Rich; Neil Schilke; Elizabeth Newell Spicka; Sandra Wills VanVelzer (1997-98); Alex Vollmer; Robert Wood

Secretary: Joann Nantz Heppes; Sandra Wills VanVelzer (1999-02)

Treasurer: John Neuman

Class Correspondent: Jan McClayton Crites

Reunion Co-Chairs: Ruth Zimmerman Bleyler; D. Jeffrey Blumenthal

Cornell Fund Representative: Byron McCalmon


President: Alex Vollmer

Immediate Past President: Fred Hart

Treasurer: John Neuman (2002-06); Robert Wood (2006-07)

Secretary: Sandra Wills VanVelzer

Class Correspondent: Jan McClayton Crites

Reunion Chair: Ruth Zimmerman Bleyler

Cornell Fund Representative: Ruth Holzapfel Fortkamp

Newsletter Editor: Mike Eisgrau

Historians: Judith Prenske Rich; Peter Slater

Webmaster: Charles Bunting (2002-06); Alan Flaherty (2006-07)

Membership/Outreach: J. Michael Duesing

Class Council:

Stephen B. Ashley

D. Jeffrey Blumenthal

Catherine Van Buren Bomberger (Affinity Groups)

Nancy Williams Clark

Charlotte Jones Collister

Evie Eskin

Alan Flaherty

Sam C. Fleming

Alison Kyle Kerr

Philip S. Handler

Myra Maloney Hart

Jonathan M. Hinebauch

Donald Juran

Katie Simmons Kaufmann

Alison Kyle Kerr

Richard Levine

Byron McCalmon

Nancy Schlegel Meinig

Harris Palmer

Stephen A. Ploscowe

Frank Quirk

Neil Schilke

Elizabeth Newell Spicka

Robert K. Wood


President: Alex Vollmer

Immediate Past President: Fred C. Hart

Treasurer: Robert K. Wood

Secretary: Sandra Wills Van Velzer

Class Correspondent: Jan McClayton Crites

Yearbook Editors: Judith Prenske Rich (Editor-in-Chief), Peter G. Slater (The Class Speaks)

Reunion Chair: Ruth Zimmerman Bleyler

Reunion Co-Chairs: Kelly Gould Behan; Nancy Williams Clark; Don R. Juran; John M. Lowrie; Frank J. Quirk

Cornell Fund Representative: Ruth Holzapfel Fortkamp

Newsletter Editor: Mike Eisgrau

Historians: Judith Prenske Rich; Peter Slater

Webmaster: Alan Flaherty

Membership/Outreach: J. Michael Duesing

Class Council:

Stephen B. Ashley

D. Jeffrey Blumenthal

Catherine Van Buren Bomberger 

Charles B. Bunting

Charlotte Jones Collister

Evie Eskin

Sam C. Fleming

Marc A. Gerber

Philip S. Handler

Jonathan M. Hinebauch

Katie Simmons Kaufmann

Richard Levine

Byron McCalmon

Nancy Schlegel Meinig

John L. Neuman

Harris H. Palmer, Jr.

Stephen A. Ploscowe

Willis Ritter

Neil A. Schilke

Elizabeth Newell Spicka


President: Ruth Zimmerman Bleyler

Immediate Past President: Alex B. Vollmer

Treasurer: Marc A. Gerber

Secretary: Sandra Wills Van Velzer (2014); Alan Flaherty (2014-2017)

Class Correspondent: Jan McClayton Crites

Reunion Chair: Neil A. Schilke

Reunion Co-Chairs: Charlotte Jones Collister; Evelyn Eskin; Donald R. Juran; Frank J. Quirk

Cornell Fund Representative: Ruth Holzapfel Fortkamp

Newsletter Editor: Mike Eisgrau

Historian: Judith Prenske Rich

Webmaster: D. Jeffrey Blumenthal (2012-2015), Charles B. Bunting (2015-2017)

Membership: J. Michael Duesing (6/2012-3/2016); Judith Prenske Rich (4/2016-6/2017)

Class Council: 

John Abel

Stephen B. Ashley (2012-2015)

Catherine Van Buren Bomberger 

Charles B. Bunting

Nancy Williams Clark

J. Michal Duesing (as of 4/2016)

Alan Flaherty

Sam C. Fleming

Philip S. Handler

Fred C. Hart

Myra Maloney Hart

Jonathan M. Hinebauch

Katie Simmons Kaufman

Richard J. Levine

John M. Lowrie

Byron G. McCalmon

Nancy Schlegel Meinig

Marty Gregg Mount

John L. Neuman

Stephen A. Ploscowe

C. Willis Ritter

Hal Sieling

Peter G. Slater

Richard Sommer

Elizabeth Newell Spicka

Robert K. Wood


President: Neil Schilke

Immediate Past President: Ruth Zimmerman Bleyler

Vice President: Judith Prenske Rich

Membership Chair: Nancy Williams Clark

Treasurer: Marc A. Gerber

Secretary: Alan Flaherty

Class Correspondent: Jan McClayton Crites (2017-2020); Evelyn Eskin (2021-);

Reunion Chair: Frank Quirk

Reunion Co-Chairs: Nancy Williams Clark; Don Juran

Annual Fund Representative: Ruth Holzapfel Fortkamp

Newsletter Editor: Mike Eisgrau (2017-2019); Alan Flaherty (2019-)

Class Historian: Judith Prenske Rich

Webmaster: Charles Bunting (2017-2020)

Nominations Chair: Alex Vollmer

Class Council:

John Abel

Stephen B. Ashley

Catherine Van Buren Bomberger 

Charlotte Jones Collister (2017-2020)

J. Michael Duesing (2017-2021)

Evelyn Eskin

Philip S. Handler (2017-2021)

Fred C. Hart

Myra Maloney Hart

Jonathan M. Hinebauch

Katie Simmons Kaufman

Richard J. Levine

John M. Lowrie (2017-2021)

Byron G. McCalmon

Nancy Schlegel Meinig

John L. Neuman

Stephen A. Ploscowe

C. Willis Ritter

Hal Sieling

Richard Sommer

Elizabeth Newell Spicka

Robert K. Wood


President: Neil Schilke

Vice President: Judith Prenske Rich

Secretary: Alan Flaherty

Treasurer: Marc A. Gerber

Class Correspondent: Evelyn Eskin (2022-2023), Judith Prenske Rich (2023-

Membership Chair: Nancy Williams Clark

Reunion Co-Chairs: Frank Quirk, Nancy Williams Clark; Donald Juran

Class Gift Fund Committee: Judith Prenske Rich, Chair, John Abel, Hal Sieling

Website Manager: Judith Prenske Rich

Nominations Chair: Alex Vollmer

Class Council:

John Abel

Stephen Ashley

Ruth Zimmerman Bleyler

Cathy Van Buren Bomberger

Nancy Williams Clark

Mike Eisgrau

Evelyn Eskin

Alan Flaherty

Ruth Hotzapfel Fortkamp

Marc Gerber

Myra Maloney Hart

Jon Hinebauch

Donald Juran

Katie Simmons Kaufman

Byron McCalmon

Nancy Schlegel Meinig

John Neuman

Stephen Ploscowe

Frank Quirk

Judith Prenske Rich

Neil Schilke

Hal Sieling

Richard Sommer

Beth Newell Spicka

Alex Vollmer

Robert K. Wood