June 2022


In the provided runup to our 60th reunion, many classmates have sent updates. Thank you all!! We’re looking forward to seeing many of you soon!!! And be sure that those of us in attendance will hoist one for each of you who are otherwise occupied…..

Steve Schmal: “My wife Deb and I have slowly emerged from our Covid cocoons.  A couple road-trips in California last year, one coming up shortly.  I’m sorry but we can’t attend our class’s 60th reunion.  If we head east from San Diego this year, it’ll be via the D.C. area on our way to Europe (Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic).  Other than traveling, life has been getting older (a few more aches and pains), but still being active, physically (hiking, San Diego Zoo volunteering) and mentally.”

Faith Miller Roelofs, who lives in from Prescott, Arizona, is working out at a CrossFit gym three times a week. She says, “Their ‘lite’ program keeps us mobile and happy, as there is always something or someone to enjoy. I continue my 31+ year-streak of volunteering for the Highlands Center for Natural History, enjoying and helping with their programs and celebrations. Since Covid and Chuck’s (Charles Dann ’61) stroke in May, 2021, we take time to smell the flowers. That includes frequent trips to Grand Canyon-South Rim where our daughter lives and works. Together we have five grandchildren ranging from ages 8-14. Who needs TV for entertainment?”

Sue Peery Moore writes from Palm Beach, FL., “Having an empty nest with no job means plenty of free time! I’m enjoying travel (post-COVID) and bridge, and cleaning out closets, drawers, and garage. Our grandchildren are graduating and turning out OK in spite of our children’s child-rearing methods!!”

Thomas H. Seaman, in Jefferson NC, says, “Still among the living in the beautiful NC mountains!  No more work for me! Enjoying life! We have 14 grandchildren – from four children of my own plus two more of Carol’s that I raised with her.” Thomas enjoys being alive and good eating (he is the chef), puzzles on the computer, reading, and sports on TV. 

From Jean Horn Swanson, in Chicago: “I never imagined being quarantined for most of the past two years and confined to our apartment. Have had four doses of vaccine. No Covid yet! We live in a continuing care senior complex. I help in the library, sing in a chorale, and attend the dining committee. Both our daughters live nearby. We lost a grandson almost three years ago. We have six remaining grandchildren. Two will graduate from universities this year. Two are in college and two in high school. I continue the interests I have had as well as coping with the challenges life brings. May we see peace in a crazy world!”

Judith Frediani Youstin Tarrants writes from Fabius, NY: “I can say no to things I don’t want to do! I retired in 2001 from the QA department of Anheuser Busch. I have an endless list of projects in my old house. I quilt, sew, garden and volunteer at several organizations. I make quilts for Honor Flight Syracuse.  My son died in 2010.  My daughter lives and works in Virginia. My granddaughter lives and works in CA.”

From Pedro Sanchez, in Gainesville, FL: “I really retired as of May, 2022!! I failed three previous retirements! We shall see! I have been married to Cheryl Palm for 32 years.  I have three kids, and six grandchildren, ages 10 to 26.”

John Curtis writes from Heath, TX: “I am on the ladder to become District Governor of Rotary District 5810, encompassing 62 clubs in the Dallas Metro. This is the training period of seminars. zooming, travel and many meetings. It is both exciting and rewarding. I have been Chair of several city and NGO boards, but now I am focused on the preparation of my task in Rotary. When we can, we enjoy travel.  Recently, we traveled to Israel and Jordan. We received communion on the Upper Room, a very rare occurrence. Finding those few moments to relax after enjoying a fine meal that Janie and I prepared and before returning the computer to continue volunteer activities brings great satisfaction. I am more focused on photography and less ln skiing. But I still enjoy golf outings.”

Brad Olson reports doing something that he never imagined – getting around with a cane/walker/wheelchair! He says that a 2023 London-Bergen cruise is in store. He and wife Lila (Fox) ’63 are close to family and are enjoying three teen-age grandchildren and their activities.

Jeannette Butler Miller lives in Berne, NY with husband Ralph ’60. They winter in Sebastian, FLwhere she enjoys walking the dog four miles each day.  She does a lot of canning and freezing of fruits and vegetables that they grow in NY. She also leads osteo-exercises twice a week, and exercises with the ladies for an hour five days a week.

William (Sandy) Stevenson writes from Hertford, NC: “I lead a program that prepares tax returns for lower income folks. I am president of a local historical preservation organization and will soon complete my second term as president of the Hertford Rotary Club. I am enjoying a relaxed lifestyle and get satisfaction from moving an organization to do new things.”

Judy Prenske Rich: “After an asymptomatic bout of Covid (yes, I had all four shots!), my husband (Bruce ’60) and I traveled to London this spring to visit with our daughter (Stacey ’93) who we had not seen in person these past few years. We also went to Paris (for about the 20th time!) — where I took a really fun cheese and butter making class — and then took a side trip to Colmar and Strasbourg for a first visit. Strasbourg was fabulous!”

Robert G. Gillen in Chattanooga, TN writes that he never imagined he would be living in a red state! He is writing his memoirs, and derives satisfaction from living with his wife and daughter. He has kept and raised tropical fish for 71 years and has collected toy trains for 40 years.

Anne Elizabeth Standish Uhe reports from Carlock, IL that she is knitting baby hats for the hospital and knitting prayer blankets. She wrote a book about her father, Dr. Phillip Myles Standish, entitled, Main Street Letters Home about his service during World War II based on letters saved by her mother. She and husband Ron live on a small lake in rural central  Illinois. They have seven grandchildren ages 6-13, whom they enjoy.  Her new hobby is collecting rocks.

Kenneth F. Canfield, Jr. writes from Boxborough, MA: “I’m driving a 2020 GR Supra Toyota sports car, which is a very fast car manufactured by BMW and assembled in Austria. I never imagined owning such a sports car. I’m 82 and definitely retired and in good health. My three children and six grandchildren bring me the most satisfaction these days. I have two hobbies – collecting and working on U.S. manufactured pocket watches and ham radio.”

Joel L. Sundholm writes that he never could have imagined conducting meetings via Zoom. Now he meets at 6:30AM with a men’s church group and then at 4PM with a Bible study group in Hudson, OH. He retired in 2002 after 38 years in the steel industry and continued to do consulting work until 2015. He says he is keeping the medical community busy and now lives in Michigan where his son is his landlord.  He likes feeding six squirrels, multiple blue jays and eight deer. He gets great satisfaction from avoiding hacks with his fingers crossed.

Louise Young Bixby ’62 says learning to be a widow is something she never imagined doing. Husband Robert (Bob) Bixby passed away in January, 2022. She lives in South Colton, NY.

Beth Newell Spicka (Warren, ’61): “Who would have imagined, pre-Covid, that we’d be playing competitive bridge with world champions online?  I play with my brother (Cornell ’68), who lives in Rochester, NY, from our home in Naples, FL.  Grandchildren are graduating college, joining the working world, and getting married! We get satisfaction from celebrating life’s special days with our family and appreciating our good fortune to be together.  A new hobby is gardening with native plants on Cape Cod.”

Donald P. Reed owns a house on Cayuga Lake.  He still lives on the family farm in Cortland, NY, and has two granddaughters, ages five and seven, for whom he is trying to stay healthy so he can see them graduate from high school. “As a breeder of new coffee varieties for 50 years, to still see some of my varieties used, gives me great satisfaction.”

Richard Grove: “After 20+ years of retirement in the Charlotte, NC area, we moved to northeast Florida in 2021. In January 2023, we will move again, this time to a continuing care retirement community in Ponte Vedea Beach, FL”

Jim Moore: “I was director of technology for the family business. In 2000 Siemens bought the company and I retired. Taking the advice of a colleague to do something totally different in retirement, I joined the board of French and Pickering Creek Conservation Trust.  I am also the volunteer technical advisor for the Northeast Motus Collaborations.  I am also active in the citizen science program with the Stroud Water Research Center.  We moved to the family property in Northern Chester County, PA in 2012. My daughter and two grandchildren also live here. We have lots of animals: one horse, two Nubian goats, five sheep, several pigs, chickens and ducks. All except the horse and goats provide food for the family. I also founded a non-profit in 2018. The trust that I am on the board of has recently unearthed four Revolutionary War cannons. This is major news and ranks just below finding Shackleton’s ship and on a par with the cannon dredged up in the Savannah River. So, my new hobby is archeology!”

Harold Don: “2022, in the words of the lyricist, is a year of ‘one season following another, laden with happiness and tears.’ While the happiness does not diminish the tears, nether do the tears detract from the happiness. The tears: Mona, my wife, died suddenly in March, 2022. The happiness: I am living in Lions gate, a senior community in Voorhees, NJ. I am enjoying the new community making new friends and participating in activities. Our family is growing up. We had two children who blessed us with 10 grandchildren. In the end, I am grateful for the years Mona and I had together and for her legacy which will continue to give meaning to the future.”