From John Abel (Cornell Professor Emeritus of Civil & Environmental Engineering who is still living in his lovely lakefront home on Cayuga Lake) comes great news for the Class. “On a beautiful autumn Ithaca day, I was on campus for an errand and decided to trek further east along Ellis Hollow Road to see the new baseball facility. I had passed by in mid-August, but it was still in the final stages of construction and no scoreboard was evident. However, today the facility was entirely completed and was in use for fall practice by the baseball team. It is a beautiful field but rather isolated and distant from campus. Not sure if many in the Cornell community will ever see it and appreciate the Class of 1962 scoreboard, now successfully moved from Hoy field on campus to Booth Field.”

Greetings from Helen Chuckrow (Ossining, NY) who related a few Big Red memories. “My junior year I lived in the Circle Cottages. They’ve long been torn down but still linger in my memory. I was in Circle 3 so there must have been at least three of them. They were white clapboard houses three stories high. My room had a built-in bookcase and a fire escape as well as a nice-sized closet. It was small and narrow but cozy. It had a large adjoining bathroom with a tub and had a door leading to a large room which Judy Abrahms ‘61 occupied. In good weather she and I studied on the fire escape. There were two or three other rooms on the floor and a smallish entrance way on the ground floor. We ate at the Sage Hall dining room.” Now retired, Helen tutors children preparing them for their bar or bat mitzvah. She is almost finished writing a book entitled Interpreting the Bible with Chutzpah.
From Cathy Van Buren Bomberger (Dune Acres, IN): “I enjoyed celebrating three graduations to begin last summer. Traveled to Atlanta where my grandson was graduated from Emory University, followed by a trip to Arlington, VA for my granddaughter’s high school graduation. She is now settled in at the U. of Tennessee. My grandson from Chicago finished his Montessori education to be accepted at Walter Payton College Prep High School. Family fun and support are priceless.”
DeeDee McCoy Stovel (San Carlos, CA) writes that she still likes to hike and to garden and to be in nature and to cook and to be with family and friends. Whew! “During Covid, Larrie Dockerill Rockwell, Katie Simmons Kaufman and Sonnie Rudgers Dunne Zoomed monthly. Sonnie unfortunately died within the last year, but those conversations helped us get through those years.”
Peter A. Wadsworth (Norwood, NY) reports: “After several years of retirement on the east end of Long Island (East Hampton) during which I became very involved in local politics and community affairs, in 2016 I moved back to the Boston area and rededicated myself to healthcare, now from the consumer and policy perspective, with the publication of a book entitled Finding the Best Healthcare You Can Afford. After several articles on quality measurement and related topics, I helped found the Better Healthcare Policy Group, which includes the former head of Kaiser Permanente HMO, a couple of distinguished professors at UC Berkeley and other nationally known (except for me) figures. This summer we published a white paper entitled “The Better Care Plan: a blueprint for improving America’s healthcare system.” (Health Affairs Scholar, Vol. 1, Issue 1, July 2023). Now the real work begins.”
Here’s some nice news for our class. Annie Abernathy, Curatorial Assistant at the Johnson Museum of Art, recently wrote to tell me that many of the photos in our collection “were used last semester in teaching for a variety of classes such as Intro to Judaism, Surrealism and Apocalypse, Empire and Vampires, and Spanish for Heritage Speakers.” Don’t you just love the Empire and Vampires?