September 2021


In the transition from print to on-line communications, we have gotten behind on the classmate news that was sent to the Alumni Office.  Some of these items date back to late winter/early spring, and we are sorry for the delay.  However, we do want to be sure that all voices are heard!  One additional caveat – most of these entries had to be transcribed from hand-written notes.  Apologies for any errors.

Stephen Ploscowe writes, “Wendie (Malkin ’65) and I are staying healthy and trying to stay busy. I am becoming a labor arbitrator, playing golf, and reading lots of novels. We are retired and spending the winter (+++) at our home in Boca Raton, Fla. Our granddaughter is a freshman at Cornell – she is a third generation Cornellian.”

From David Hill: “Judith and I live in Basking Ridge, NJ. I turned 80 in February and look forward to turning 100 in 2041.  I sing tenor in a German chorus and bass in the church choir. We enjoy having our son, daughter-in-law, and 3 granddaughters living two miles away, and continue to enjoy the pleasures of friends and family.”

This from Frances Denn Gallogly: “Vincent and I split our time between Fort Pierce, FL. And Bridgeport, Ct. We have three children living in Louisiana and Brooklyn, and two grandchildren in Louisiana. I enjoy photography, walking, reading, shooting sporting clays with friends, and gardening. Our biggest takeaway from the pandemic is the great pleasure we derive from enjoying the beauty of nature and wildlife.”

Robert Lieberman lives with his spouse, Gunilla, in Ithaca.  He writes, “Usually I’m moving around the planet working on a new film or attending screenings of my films. Obviously, I’m not doing that now.  I’m burning less jet fuel and feeling less guilty! Although I’m still a senior lecturer in physics and a faculty fellow at Cornell, I continue to shift my focus toward making films and writing novels. (The business card he attached lists seven of each!). My biggest takeaway from the pandemic is how intimately the entire world is connected.  Also, how much unnecessary travel had been taking place before the pandemic and how we should reevaluate what we are inflicting on this fragile planet we call home. Now I am in the process of preparing for a Cornell alum Zoom event.  Alumni Affairs has sent out an enormous number of invitations to alums in the NYC metro area as well as grad from the Johnson School and members of the Association of Asian Alumni.  Entitled ‘Lights, Cameras, Cornell!,’ it will be a webinar discussing the independent film business and is done in conjunction with the screening of my new film, ‘Echoes of the Empire: Beyond Genghis Khan.’”

Don Boose writes, “Lil and I live in Carlisle, PA.  I retired from my 29-year teaching career at the U.S. Army War college, following a 30-year career as an army officer, in the summer of 2019. I currently have no writing, research, or teaching projects underway, but audit classes at nearby Dickenson College and take advantage of virtual concerts, theater, films, and lectures. Lil and I look forward to resuming those activities in person. I spend time walking, enjoying music, opera, theater, and informative lectures online and staying in touch with friends, family, and colleagues. My pandemic takeaway is the realization that Lil and I can get along fine so long as we have each other.”

Lori (Loretta) Krieger Yellen writes, “Since Rick (’60) passed away, I moved from Buffalo, NY to Manhattan.  I’d be happy to hear from old friends in the city. For the last 28 years, I have been actively involved in stock market investing. I have seven grandchildren and like to dance tango.”

Paul Schreiber and his wife Meri (Klorman ’65) live in North Easton, MA. They have three sons and eight grandchildren living in NJ, whom they miss seeing. Paul does part-time medical marijuana assessments.

Betty Lefkowitz Moore lives in State College, PA. with her husband John.  She writes, “Both John and I had Covid-19 and were hospitalized in early January.  We were so happy to get home.  We live in a very nurturing environment in a college town. Our grandchildren are busy exploring life, getting married, entering college, etc.  it’s lovely re-experiencing these milestones through them.  The isolation of Covid has emphasized how much we gain from interacting with each other.”

Jane Barrows Tatibouet and her husband Andre live in Honolulu, HI. She reports, “Hawaii was hit the worst, economically, with Covid-19. Tourism shut down completely – planes not flying and governor forbidding tourists! Thus, we have the highest unemployment rate in the USA at this writing (March 2021). As entrepreneurs, our past year has been challenging, but we continue to find successes! We are not retiring but are expanding our businesses personally opening a new one on Cape Cod in Yarmouth Port, Ma.  It’s an historic store – 1831, renovations to begin in June when the architects and engineers complete preparations. Situated in a very historic village directly on a 36-mile-long National Historic Highway – Route 6A. We are vicariously sharing in the lives of our two children and two grandchildren – all 5000 miles away!  We are staying active, reaching out to others, reading through our own library of great books, and writing articles.  We have learned from the pandemic to be prepared – eat well, sleep well, work well, stay healthy in every way possible – think well. Be positive and count every day a blessing.  To top it off, stay in touch – and expand your touch – with friends and family – close or far away- by text, email, Zoom, USPS notes, and cards.  Be enthusiastic about the future and give of your talents to others!” 

Barry Tretheway moved from Florida and South Carolina and back to Pennsylvania, and finds that “it’s cold, baby!” He has survived medical setbacks and looks forward to each day. He is working part-time as an architect and having fun.  His growing family includes nine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, with a third on the way.  He enjoys the accomplishments of his family. His biggest pandemic takeaway is the need we have for compassion for all who are less fortunate.

Sidney Watt, Jr. and his wife Becky live in Exeter, NH. He writes, “After vacationing and living in the Dartmouth/Sunapee region of NH for 70 years, we have moved into a CCRC in the NH Seacoast area. Exeter is a beautiful town, but we will miss the mountains and our friends.”

Richard Levine lives with his wife Neil Ann (Stuckey ’63) in Princeton, NJ. He says, “Like millions of others, I’ve spent a year working from my home office. I’m semi-retired. In the past 15 years, I have devoted myself to non-profit work, serving as president of the Dow Jones News Fund, vice chair of the Princeton Symphony, and director of the National Junior Tennis League. We’ve watched with delight as our five grandchildren have grown to adulthood. Next fall all five will be in college. I find satisfaction in staying in touch with the grandkids, spending time with them and their parents, and being deeply involved with Dow Jones, where I have spent 55 years. My biggest pandemic takeaway is that a competent federal government is vital in dealing with a pandemic.”

Nancy Williams Clark reports, “My husband, J. Thomas Clark, ’63, and I sold our Old Chatham Sheepherding Company and farm and moved last September into a portion of a barn on the old property with 70 acres and about half a mile of creek and a quarter mile of brook on one side. We have a granddaughter in the class of ’22 at Cornell, another grandchild accepted as a freshman, class of ’25, and hopefully more to come!  We have eight more grandchildren (the youngest is four-years old) – all legacies! My pandemic takeaway is ‘do what you love to do and be with the ones you love.’”

From Ambler, PA, Peter C. Johnson writes, “My oldest grandson received his Eagle Scout badge last fall and is currently serving in the Navy as an aircraft mechanic.  Our second grandson just passed his Board of Review for the Eagle Scout Award and will be attending college this fall. My takeaway from the pandemic is to follow the science and obey the rules.  Be diligently careful.”

E. Kay Trimberger from Berkeley, CA says, “I published a memoir during the pandemic, Creole Son: An Adoptive Mother Untangles Nature and Nurture. See more on my website, I have an online blog, Adoption Diaries, on I spend time reading and listening to audio books, being with friends, hiking, and doing local travel. I am happy that the pandemic happened when I am old and traveling less.  It helped prepare for life in old age.”

D. Peter Hochberg in Cleveland Heights, OH. is “still hard at work, but, like most patent lawyers, I’m working from home. Being at home with my wife, Maxine Singer, is the most satisfying part of my life. We haven’t traveled since the commencement of the pandemic.  I prepare and prosecute patent applications, litigate patent matters, and do licensing.  We keep in touch with friends throughout the world and are considering places to visit. We are all getting older but are conscious about being fit and healthy.  My biggest takeaway from the pandemic is that once one accepts the danger that is present and alters life accordingly, life can be very pleasant.”

From Karen Sergio in Stanfordville, NY: “The big change in my life is managing home and business alone since the death of my husband. I am the owner and operator of Meeting and greeting guests at the cabin and being with my animals are sources of satisfaction.”

Richard Klein writes, “When my wife, Susan Holland, retired, we moved from Brooklyn to Miami.  In retirement, I’m writing my fourth book, taking long walks, and eating my wife’s extraordinary cooking. She is always smiling since her retirement. ‘Happy wife, happy life!’ My book is about Arles in southern France, where we spend our summers. The positive part about Covid-19 is that it’s given many children of all ages the chance to live together for a year with both their parents at home.”

Liz Belsky Stiel says, “Over the last 59 years, my husband, Les, and I have lived in Cleveland and Columbus, OH, Scarsdale, New NY, and New York City before moving to La Jolla in 1997.  I am still shocked at living in beautiful California! I could never have imagined that we would end up in California. Before Cornell I lived in Brooklyn and New Rochelle, NY.  Life has a way of taking a variety of turns!”

Rich Alther writes from Ferrisburgh, VT, “I lost my husband, Ray Repp, of 20 wonderful years.  Classmates raised Catholic may know him as introducing guitar into the Church with his Mass for Young Americans.  With his 12 albums, he had toured the world. My 5th novel, Bedside Matters, was just published. Publishers Weekly said: ‘With an unsentimental eye, honesty, and sensitivity, Alther makes a life near its end inviting and restorative.’”

Edward D. Griffith Jr. and his wife, Bonnie, have moved from North Carolina to Exton, PA to be closer to family and friends.

Jane E Brody Engquist says, “I continue to write a weekly column, Personal Health, in The NY Times. Although colleagues thought I’d run out of ideas in six months, the column has now run continuously for 44 years.  Twin grandsons expect to graduate in the Cornell class of 2022. My current satisfaction is the many new friendships I’ve made among fellow ‘streetwalkers’ during Covid-19. My pandemic takeaway is discovering the extraordinary and frightening level of scientific ignorance among even well-educated members of the public.”

From Vivan Lasser Beenstock: “We miss going on vacations, to the theatre, opera, and lectures. I am retired, auditing classes remotely, attending lectures and performances on the computer, exercising at home and outside. My grandson is graduating from the University of Michigan.  I get satisfaction from contact with family and friends – remotely and limited in person, and from walking around our neighborhood.  I appreciate relationships and the health that I have so far.”

David Harrald, who lives in Sun Lakes, AZ, with his wife, Liettiie, writes: “I recently enjoyed a ‘Zoom Reunion’ of the Civil Engineering School Class of ‘62 (BCE’63), which had a total graduating class of 29.  Also attending were John Abel, John Curtis, Mary Ann Franson, Mark Gerber, Fred Hart, Pete Johnson, and Alex Volmer.  John Abel, Fred Hart, and I were roommates in graduate school at Stanford in 1963-4 and have kept in touch through the years. I have also visited with John and Janie Curtis many times and talked to Alex Volmer a few times.  It was fun to hear the other voices that I hadn’t heard in 58 years!  It seems that old ‘CE’ friends have maintained those friendships.  Many thanks to Jeanette Little for arranging the ‘Zoom Reunion.’”

Larry Stoneburner writes from Bakersfield, CA: “My wife of 45 years, Mimi, died in 2019. I am on the advisory board of the Harmony Magnet Academy (HMA). In 2020 the HMA received the Sandy Weill Honor Motivation Achievement Award, recognizing students who demonstrate core elements of character when faced with adversity. Mimi and I produced three videos weekly for 13 years for local stations. I am medically retired.  I get satisfaction from the joy of watching my 6-year-old grandson excel in his class.”

Joel Sundholm is “slowly emerging from my pandemic cocoon in Bloomfield Hills, MI. After 50 years in the steel industry, I fully retired in 2015.”

Anne Kaczmarczyk Evans lives with her husband, John, in Ashland, PA. She says, “Life is more normal this year. Sunday afternoon dances with live bands. Socializing is great mental health for seniors.  Volunteer work is increasing.  I traveled to Florida in March, and plan to go to Ocean City, NJ this summer. I volunteer with Medicare, the historical society, and Covid-19 vaccinations. I do church work by researching family requests dating back to 1800. I started tap dance class.  That’s good for balance and memory.  The family is all good and more relaxed and less fearful of the pandemic.  I have encouraged then to restart their lives.”

Jim Harre reports that Martha, his wife of 53 years, has died. He has three children and 10 grandchildren.

Keep the current news coming, and please send more Cornell memories in the runup to our 60th reunion in June!!   Evelyn Eskin