November 2022

There are just two entries for this month, but they contain some good ideas for classmates to ponder. The first, a brief account of a lovely trip, reminds us that many classmates are now traveling again and might enjoy sharing highlights of their trips. Since none of...

October 2022

In the aftermath of our boffo reunion and follow up news, we understand that classmates are regrouping. Still, a few have sent along news that we are pleased to share here: Frances Deann Gallogly recently gave up her “beloved garden” to live in two small...

August 2022

We had a wonderful gathering of 62 classmates and 48 guests at our 60th reunion in June.  Good weather, nice pacing, and terrific people combined to make this a memorable time for all who attended. This column will be a combination of reunion memories and older...

June 2022

In the provided runup to our 60th reunion, many classmates have sent updates. Thank you all!! We’re looking forward to seeing many of you soon!!! And be sure that those of us in attendance will hoist one for each of you who are otherwise occupied….. Steve Schmal: “My...

March 2022

We are in the countdown to our 60th reunion, and classmates are still writing about their lives and Cornell memories. Thank you all for your vibrant, interesting, and varied contributions! Bill Brozowski writes, “Foreign travel and cruises have stopped. We visited...

February 2022

Mui Ho Members of the Ho Family – Mui Ho ’62, B.Arch. ’66; Hau Wong Ho ’55, Christine Ma Ho ’61, Jet K.S. Ho ’91 – were honored at the 2022 Pan-Asian Celebration on January 29, 2022, sponsored by the Cornell Asian Alumni Association (CAAA). The virtual event was...